Sampling Strategies for Product and Process Quality — Pure Practice: WHAT? WHEN? HOW OFTEN? and HOW MUCH?

In companies, a variety of measurement data is collected to govern product and process quality. A key question in the process is: How large does the sample have to be to produce reliable results? In this respect, “gut decisions” are all too common in practice. In order to keep the effort involved and costs low, it’s expected that as few parts as possible be tested. On the other hand, as many parts as necessary must be tested so as not to jeopardize the ability to acquire knowledge.

Cover customer satisfaction through product and process quality as well as audit and FMEA requirements. Multiple benefits in practice.

ImportantThis event does not currently have an available date. Please contact us if you are interested.

In this DC ONLINE event, you will learn how to:

  • develop a practical sampling strategy,
  • determine the minimum sample depending on the respective boundary conditions,
  • understand the consequences of incorrect sample sizes,
  • successfully put records and test result analyses into effect
  • Scope of services

  • Precisely tailored information at the highest level of quality
  • Dialogue to answer questions
  • Training documents (PDF download)
  • Certificate of participation
  • Benefit

    Knowledge on how to avoid the serious dangers of an incorrect sampling strategy, in unison with practical application examples, make the DC ONLINE event a valuable one for all problem-solvers.

    Group of participants

    The live event is aimed at specialists and managers from the fields of quality management, engineering, manufacturing and product development in the following industries: mechanical engineering, chemistry, automotive, textile, glass, pharmaceutical, medical, service provider.

    Participant fee
    The participation fee is 138,00€ (net)